
Network Diagnostics PiTFT I was asked to create a quick tool to perform a set of basic connectivity checks for field engineers who are unable to get servers to connect to the network. The engineers often don’t want to fire up their laptops to check Ethernet, IP, DNS and HTTP checks. I wrote a tool to run on the ethernet enabled RPis to perform these checks using an Adafruit PiTFT.
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Curriculum Vitae - Tim Gibbon

Tim Gibbon 07977 549 321 [email protected] Professional Experience Jul 2022 - Current Senior DevOps Engineer, Missionlabs/Gammalabs Terraform build and deployment to 30 AWS/3 GCP Accounts (bitbucket pipelines). 3 major projects delivered within timescales, budget and to 99.98% annual availability. Cost optimisation - designed and implemented power saving for EKS and EC2 resulting in $264,000 reduction in 2023 AWS costs. ArgoCD implemented to increase development team velocity. Migrated Call-Centre as a Service (CCaaS) from on-premise hardware (docker-compose) to AWS (EKS/kubernetes) within 2 months.
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Elasticsearch on Kubernetes benchmarking with esrally

Elasticsearch on Kubernetes (ECK) worked example with terraform, GKE, podman & esrally I’m interested in running elasticsearch in kubernetes since an interview question I got asked: “What service would you not run in Kubernetes?”. I thought about this at the time and answered elasticsearch, my reasons being the storage, replication and the upgrades. I figured it would be easier to run this on either bare metal or SaaS (opensearch). I hadn’t heard about ECK at the time.
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EKS Kong Gateway Real IP via ProxyProtocol v2 and AWS Load Balancer Controller

Helm chart values.yaml for finding the Real IP in kong using ProxyProtocol with AWS Load Balancer Controller in L4
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Skiing Courchevel 2023

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